How to Book a Hotel.

Search for a hotel that meets your needs and budget. Read reviews of the hotel to get an idea of what other guests have experienced. Check the hotel's website for rates and availability. Contact the hotel to book a room.

What to consider when booking a hotel.

The location of the hotel is important to consider when booking a room. You may want to be near certain attractions or close to public transportation. Also, think about the type of hotel you would like. Do you want a luxury hotel or a more affordable option? Read reviews of the hotel before booking to get an idea of what other guests have thought about their stay.

The best hotel in Dubai.

The best hotel in Dubai would be the Burj Al Arab. This hotel is located on an artificial island and is one of the most luxurious and expensive hotels in the world.


The study reveals that nearly 14% of the respondents allow their children to be under the influence of tobacco and smoking and 85% of the respondents allow their children to freely drink water, 20%of the respondents allow their children to have snacks from roadside, 2% from the outlets, 4% from hotels and 4% from the Tiffin centers. The study also reveals that the 78% of the respondents allow their children to be under the influence of§Marijuana' and drug abuse. In conclusion it is recommended that the parents must be aware that their children must be school going children so they must be disciplined and must have regular studies and regular school timings should be maintained as parents may allow their children to be in any of the previous unhealthy practices so they must respond carefully. In order to avoid these bad behaviors it must be listed in the awareness programs and discourage such acts and should remember the teaching of such acts.


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